This post is in response to things said in this article: Bruised in Bentonville
Thank you people of California for passing the Environmental Quality Act.
So I have a question, "Scott"; Wal-Fart is compared to the the automobile or the light bulb how? Comparing a retailer to any new technology that changes the way people think. Is like...OH! I got it. You have enabled your customes to be dumber then most of the furniture you sell. This has enabled you to start createing private labels (like President's Choice and No Name), for cheaper then anything that US can provide so you begin sending the manufactoring to China. Which closes companies based in the US, which in turn closes the maufactoring plants, which means manufactoring layoffs (including all the executive, marketing, PR, secretary, legal, mailroom, IT, trucking, customer service, and janitorial jobs).
I am an socio-anarchist. I do not think any body should be higher then the populace. However, if the populace wants a republic then that is ok with me. It just needs to watch what it allows people to do. As is the case of Wal-Fart, the people you and I are not watching these huge "Corpeople". Corporations are considered "people" and are protected under the 14th amendment, and that I think is the thing that needs to change.
The way socitey should be:
Thucydides: Pericles' Funeral Oration
URLs for anti Wal-Fart sites:
http://www.walmartworkersneo.com/ (NE Ohio is one of those places dear to my heart)

The images in this blog post are licensed under this Creative Commons License.
Unwelcome Guests - "Peak Oil, Relocalization and the New Agrarian Movement (Ep 251)"
From: a-Infos Radio Project ( hxxp://www.radio4all.net )
Thank you people of California for passing the Environmental Quality Act.
So I have a question, "Scott"; Wal-Fart is compared to the the automobile or the light bulb how? Comparing a retailer to any new technology that changes the way people think. Is like...OH! I got it. You have enabled your customes to be dumber then most of the furniture you sell. This has enabled you to start createing private labels (like President's Choice and No Name), for cheaper then anything that US can provide so you begin sending the manufactoring to China. Which closes companies based in the US, which in turn closes the maufactoring plants, which means manufactoring layoffs (including all the executive, marketing, PR, secretary, legal, mailroom, IT, trucking, customer service, and janitorial jobs).
I am an socio-anarchist. I do not think any body should be higher then the populace. However, if the populace wants a republic then that is ok with me. It just needs to watch what it allows people to do. As is the case of Wal-Fart, the people you and I are not watching these huge "Corpeople". Corporations are considered "people" and are protected under the 14th amendment, and that I think is the thing that needs to change.
The way socitey should be:
Thucydides: Pericles' Funeral Oration
URLs for anti Wal-Fart sites:
http://www.walmartworkersneo.com/ (NE Ohio is one of those places dear to my heart)

The images in this blog post are licensed under this Creative Commons License.
Unwelcome Guests - "Peak Oil, Relocalization and the New Agrarian Movement (Ep 251)"
From: a-Infos Radio Project ( hxxp://www.radio4all.net )